I did not order the thermometer since I didn't get a definite from the membership as to how many wanted them. We will paint after our regular meeting.
As you all know, Fran had open heart surgery and is home doing much better. She hopes to attend the meeting.
The ladies at the Azalea City Decorative Artists would like to give our members first chance at purchasing the remaining videos in their library. As you know, ACDA gave up their charter the end of last year but they still have a few things to disburse. They have a large library of books and videos. Margaret will bring in the videos to the March meeting to sell and will bring in the books at a later date. Some of the videos can no longer be purchased and some do not have patterns or instructions. So, bring in a bit of extra cash and help the club earn a few dollars.
Give me a call or email me if you have any questions. See you there.