Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep


Northwest Florida Sea Oats Chapter                                               March 7, 2015
Decorative Painting

Meeting was called to order at 10:30.
We were reminded by our president to bring medium sized stuffed toys for the firemen’s fund. 
We had paint related things in the back of the room that were from a former member and we could get what we wanted and make a donation to the chapter.
Brenda Cueno asked if anyone had books that they no longer wanted, to please bring them to her.  She is sending them to painters in the military that are stationed in an area where they cannot buy these books.  She donated the profits from these sales to our chapter in the amount of $100.00.  “THANK YOU” Brenda.  We know it takes time to gather the books and send them.
Anyone not wearing name tags needed to give their  $.25 to Diane.
Barbara Murphy reported that we needed a seminar and several teachers.  Several members volunteered and many suggestions were given to Barbara Ensminger for seminars.   
Meeting was dismissed and we began our colored pencil project for the day, The Standing Egret.
Respectfully submitted by
Sandy Grant, secretary
Decorative Painters
Northwest Florida SeaOats                                                                February 7, 2015

Meeting was called to order with 14 in attendance.

Jacky McCarty asked all members to begin bringing teddy bears and other small stuffed animals to the next meetings for the firemen to distribute to children affected by fires.

New Business:  THE FUN BEGAN!!!  We were excited to have Heather Mitchell teaching us the method of scratch art.  She brought beautiful displays of framed, matted and colored pictures including a few award winners.

Items needed for scratch art:

  • X-acto knife
  • Tracing paper, pencil & eraser
  • Fine emery boards
  • Paper clips
  • 3 types of steel wool (fine, medium or coarse) All must be oil & soap free
  • White cotton gloves
  • It was suggested to purchase a kit from Michaels containing all scratch tools needed for a project (X-acto knife not included)
  • Micron pens (black)
  • Krylon UV clear gloss spray
  • Ampersand scratchbord was recommended for use. (can be purchased from DickBlick)


    • Wear gloves and cut out tips of middle, index and thumb
    • Need gray scale or black and white copy of picture being scratched

  • Trace outline and any defining light changes
  • When using pictures of animals, pay close attention to the direction of fur
  • Completed pictures can be rinsed off under water and dried to remove india ink.  (do not soak)
  • Spray with Krylon  (18 inches away) Don’t worry about smudges or eraser marks, the Krylon will cover mistakes
  • Micron pen is your corrector.

Reminders: Be sure to wear your name tags and bring stuffed animals.

Respectfully submitted by,

Sandy Grant, Secretary

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