Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Monday, June 27, 2011

Nilda Rodriquez Pencil Seminar

I know all of you had a great time this weekend painting (or coloring???) with Nilda this weekend.  Pencils seem to be the most popular thing to do now.  I look forward to the photos that I am sure Barbara took.  I received an email from Margaret who spoke with Sherry Nelson recently.  Sherry lives in the hills in Arizona which have had some major wild fires lately.  Sherry's home has escaped the fire and all is well.  This is the website you can check -

I will be in New York this week so I will post more about the next meeting which will be our ornament paint in, when I return.  Remember we do not have a meeting in July due to the holiday - we will meet again in August.  See you then.