This is Sandy's finished piece from Crystal's cute!!
This was a fun painting with Karen Taul. I couldn't get the pictures to load but will keep trying. I think everyone's boat turned out beautiful.
Sue has been very busy getting ready for her son's wedding in July. For the Bridal Shower she gave each of the bridesmaids and flower girl their own rose painted hanger for their dress. She made one in white satin with satin roses and lace for the bride. She attached the following personalized dimensional cards to the hangers. The picture does not do them justice. Sue is so talented.

Christmas In July..
We will start our Christmas in July in June this year and will continue through August. Come prepared to purchase the little supply/surface kits which normally range not more than $3.00. The teachers will supply the paint. You might want to add a hair dryer and a glue gun to your painting bag, these ornaments are always so much fun to do and you never know when we will need our special tools. I will add pictures as I get them so you will know what we will be doing.
For the next three months, please look through your painting stash and bring something in for our raffle. Don't forget your name tag or we will collect the $.25 fee.
A reminder: We have sent in the deposit for a seminar with Beth Wagner next year. Please remember the rules for seminar. If unsure, they are printed in the directory. Here are a few photos from her website you might be interested in:
Did you know???
Not only do we have our annual ornament paint in but we also will celebrate our
40th Birthday
as a painting club?