Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Monday, September 3, 2018

Diane Bunker Seminar

Diane Bunker Seminar this weekend.  Everyone should have paid for the class already but If you have not paid for your class, do so now.  It is not fair to Sue to spend her prep time writing receipts. 

Diane Bunker Seminar
Beulah Community Senior Citizen Center
8-9 September 2018
9 am - 5 pm
7417 Woodside Road
Pensacola, Florida  32526
Brenda's cell  850-982-9524

Please bring the following for the classes:

10 and 12 shader
1/8" filbert rake ( I have these to sell)
10/0 and 2/0 script liner or your favorite liners
0 liner
2 and 4 filbert
4 round
favorite brush for dry brusing
black sharpie

Small needle to sew on beads
clothes pins or some kind of clamp to hold fabric while glue dries
Needle and round nose pliers

If anyone has jewelry supplies we will use a hammer and steep bench block
(not sure what they are called) to hammer on.  I will bring 2 of each with me.
Scissors for fabric and a pair for cardboard

A few hair dryers
Steam iron and ironing board or thick towel to lay on a table is ok
I will need a demo table and 2 tables to display stuff.

The above was requested by Diane. 

We will start at 9 am and will end around 5 pm.  Lunch the first day will be pot luck so don't forget
a dish.  We will decide what to order on Saturday for the Sunday lunch.  The club will provide coffee and drinks. 

This will be our last seminar as a club so let's have fun.

Call me if you have questions.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Christmas in July continues

Joan and Diane will be teaching a Christmas spider and a Candle ornament this month.  Please bring a needle nose plier along with your regular painting supplies.  We will be using a glue gun and the hair dryer also. 

I will have samples of Diane Bunkers work to show you at the meeting.  Remember to pay your fee of $85.00 to Sue this month.  The club will be picking up the $30 fee for supplies and packets.  She also has her book she will bring for those interested at a reduced cost of $5 each.  Our seminar will be held at the Beulah Community Center. 

See yall tomorrow.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Christmas in July ---and August

iLoveToCreate Blog: 20 Creative & Crafty Quotes to Share

Christmas in July -- can you believe it.  Time keeps marching on.  I will be teaching a couple of ornaments this weekend.  Not sure what since I am waiting til the last minute to do anything.  I have had company for the past week or so and hated to bring out my painting supplies with little ones running around.  If I get something painted up I will post it.  Just bring your regular painting supplies and I will provide the rest.  Don't forget to bring your lunch.

Last month we painted a snowman and used white pearl paint.  Everyones snowman came out so pretty.  It was a small class but we had fun.

Although we rarely celebrate it, this year will mark our 42nd birthday.  We started with a small group and grew to over 100 members.  Then we started shrinking.  From what I understand, it is not an unusual occurance in the SDP, many chapters are down to just a few members now.  It's sad that the interest in painting has dropped so drastically.  I hope we continue to meet even as a group of painting friends long after we are no longer a chapter.

Now I'm sad so I guess I will go paint, it always makes me feel better.


Friday, June 1, 2018

June paint In

The members had a great time painting Barbara's Gingerbread Man at the meeting.  If you weren't able to attend, we missed you.

We are still looking for members to teach projects (thank you Joan for volunteering).  Even though it isn't yet the middle of the year we are always happy to paint ornaments.  We also have our annual Christmas in the Summer coming up in July and August.  We will also be celebrating our 42nd year as a club this summer so we will be having a Birthday Party with lots of gifts and door prizes.  I know that we all have commitments during the summer with family and no one wants to miss those, but please spare some time to come paint and party with us.

We are going to send our deposit in this week to Diane Bunker for our seminar in September.  I will send a flyer to the ladies in Enterprise and hope that some will be able to attend.  The ladies are always looking for a place to stay for the weekend, if you are able to help, please let me kow.

Ladies we need to decide what to do with our bank funds soon.  Right now the future of the club is in the air.  I hate for decisions to be made without input from all of you.

For June, we will be painting a small project....not sure what it will be yet.  Hope to see you there.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

May Meeting and Paint In

First, thank you to all who came to our meeting in March.  Unfortunately, we were unable to have a meeting in April because we only had a couple of members attending.  Hopefully this will change in the future as we have some interesting things coming up.  We need to finalize our seminar with Diane Bunker on Saturday.  Sue will be sending her a deposit next week and we need to get a headcount on who might be attending.  She will provide you with everything you need for your projects (I will post a list of what you will be getting soon).  It will cost $30.00 per person.  The club will be paying this cost for Club Members.  I will bring a photo of the items she will teach - based on the sign up sheets we had available for members back in January.

This month Barbara is teaching a gingerbread man ornament.  She will bring in packets for everyone and if you have painted this particular gingerbread man, she will also have several other packets to choose from.  As I stated in the email you received, we need y'all to step up and volunteer to teach at a meeting.  Right now we only have a few people signed up and we are only in the fifth month of the year.

Don't forget we decided you no longer have to bring a covered dish to the meetings.  Feel free to bring your own lunch and if you have something to share with the group, that is good too.

See you Saturday.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Our meeting has been cancelled this month.  We only have 2-3 members who are able to attend.  We will try again next month.  Please keep Sandy's husband in your prayers, he is doing poorly.  I haven't heard from Jacky but I know she is still going through physical therapy.  Joan is not feeling good either, it seems a lot of our members are ill -- and the flu season has put a scare into everyone this year.

Next month I will teach a project or maybe two depending on the time we have.  One will be a domino necklace with daisies and a butterfly so be sure to pack a few small flat and round brushes.  I will provide everything else.

See you then

Friday, January 19, 2018

January Quarter Party

Our Quarter Party was a big success.  We had some fun and interesting items brought in for the party.
Thank you to all who participated.  Several decisions were made during the meeting.  First we have a new Board.

President  Brenda
1st VP      Barbara M.
2nd VP     Joan
Treasurer  Sue
Secretary  Sandy

We thank Jacky for her hard work holding the club together the past few years.  We hope she recovers from her hip surgery soon and gets back to the meetings.  Our next seminar will be held in September.  I spoke with Diane Bunker and she agreed to come during that time.  We passed around the photos of her projects and everyone selected the ones they were interested in.  I will send her the list and see what she can come up with.

Our next meeting paint in will be taught by me.  I haven't decided yet what I will teach but will update as we get closer.  Barbara is asking for members to volunteer to teach a class during the coming year.

As I said in my email to everyone, Lucy passed away last week.  She had been ill for months.  I know I will miss seeing Lucy at the meetings and for the shoulder rubs she was so willing to give.  I was approached by a former member of our club, Mary Riley's husband several months ago about picking up some items for our club.  Mary passed away last May.  She was a beautiful painter.  Sue and I spent two Saturdays in Crestview going through books and supplies and I think we have found a few
nice things for the club.  We haven't decided exactly how we will use them yet, actually I haven't removed them from my truck.  I will say it was overwhelming to walk into another painters studio and try to decide what we could use especially with her husband there.  I know his heart must have been hurting to see his wife's treasure leaving her studio....and it was COLD outside!!

I will update the blog later this month.  In the meantime...stay warm!!