Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Friday, June 1, 2018

June paint In

The members had a great time painting Barbara's Gingerbread Man at the meeting.  If you weren't able to attend, we missed you.

We are still looking for members to teach projects (thank you Joan for volunteering).  Even though it isn't yet the middle of the year we are always happy to paint ornaments.  We also have our annual Christmas in the Summer coming up in July and August.  We will also be celebrating our 42nd year as a club this summer so we will be having a Birthday Party with lots of gifts and door prizes.  I know that we all have commitments during the summer with family and no one wants to miss those, but please spare some time to come paint and party with us.

We are going to send our deposit in this week to Diane Bunker for our seminar in September.  I will send a flyer to the ladies in Enterprise and hope that some will be able to attend.  The ladies are always looking for a place to stay for the weekend, if you are able to help, please let me kow.

Ladies we need to decide what to do with our bank funds soon.  Right now the future of the club is in the air.  I hate for decisions to be made without input from all of you.

For June, we will be painting a small project....not sure what it will be yet.  Hope to see you there.
