Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March Meeting-Membership Appreciation

Our Membership Appreciation Paint In will be held 6 March at 10 am in the Azalea Room at Baptist Medical Park. Please bring with you your regular painting supplies (white graphite) to include a large brush for background coverage, a liner, a flat or angular shader (3/8 inch) or number 12, a fan brush if you have one or an old scruffy brush. I will provide the paints needed. You will need to bring a surface to paint on approximately 7" wide by 17" long. Hobby Lobby and Michaels have several long routed boards in their wood department. You can go as wide as 8" and as short at 16". It doesn't have to be exact. There is no fee for this class for members (non-members will have to pay $15). It is one way the Board can say thanks to all of you who have stayed with us over the years.

I did not order the thermometer since I didn't get a definite from the membership as to how many wanted them. We will paint after our regular meeting.

As you all know, Fran had open heart surgery and is home doing much better. She hopes to attend the meeting.

The ladies at the Azalea City Decorative Artists would like to give our members first chance at purchasing the remaining videos in their library. As you know, ACDA gave up their charter the end of last year but they still have a few things to disburse. They have a large library of books and videos. Margaret will bring in the videos to the March meeting to sell and will bring in the books at a later date. Some of the videos can no longer be purchased and some do not have patterns or instructions. So, bring in a bit of extra cash and help the club earn a few dollars.

Give me a call or email me if you have any questions. See you there.


Julia Pulcifer said...

Wow, your blog has a new look! Have you been experimenting with layouts? Looks great but I miss the seascape artwork (sad face). Julia

Julia Pulcifer said...

Wow, the seascape is back (or maybe it just didn't load last time I checked in...! I'm soooooo sorry I will miss the March 6 meeting. It is crunch time now, trying to tie up all the loose ends before I leave this part of the country. I will surely miss everyone and all the fun we have had. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to many members. I will keep in touch. Julia