Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Friday, April 30, 2010

May 1, 2010 - Meeting-Paint In

We will be painting greeting cards for our military in Iraq after tomorrow's meeting. Pat will be teaching and will bring the supplies, you just need to bring your regular painting supplies - brushes, palette, etc. We will meet at 10 am and will start painting immediately after. Don't forget to bring a dish for lunch.

We also have several items that we need to make decisions on, such as teachers for the fall and 2011. If you are planning to participate in the Craft Show this year, we will need for you to sign up. We also will discuss the Raffle, whether we plan to paint the Nativity Scene. At this point we will need someone to cut out the wood pieces. And the final thing will be who will be teaching Christmas ornaments for the Annual Christmas in July Ornament Classes. This is such a fun time for everyone and we can't do all of the ornaments in one day so we will do this for two months. Check the schedule to your left. There is no fee for these classes, just a small amount to cover the cost of supplies from the teachers. We invite any member of the chapter to teach.

I would also ask that members become a follower of the blog so you can get an automatic update by email. Simply click on the "Follow" button, follow the prompts and you will show up as a follower. Right now I don't believe we have anyone in the chapter as a follower.

Hope to see yall there tomorrow.

1 comment:

Julia Pulcifer said...

I wish I could be there to raise my hand with enthusiasm and say "YES, I will work the Craft Show; and YES, I will teach a class and YES, I will teach Christmas hoo hoo; I'm an artist without a group to join (yet)! Julia