Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Thursday, May 26, 2011

June Meeting and Paint In

Our next meeting will be June 4th at 10 am.  Sherry will be teaching that fabulous clock ornament she had at the Christmas party and every one fell in love with.  You will need to bring your regular acrylic painting supplies and the following:


# 2 and # 8 Shader          #10/0 long liner         #5 Angle Stippler          Medium Crescent Stencil Brush

· Snowflake stencil or stamp ....if you don't have this, I will have mine for you to use.

· Compass

· Miscellaneous: Matte varnish of choice…Pencil…Ruler…Stylus…Tracing paper…Transfer paper and usual acrylic painting supplies.
I will supply the paint, glamour dust, stretchy tape, etc.

Cost will be $15 each member.  This will cover the cost of the clock parts, disc, the shared paint, glamour dust, and stretchy tape.  

If you plan to attend the Nilda Rodriquez seminar on June 25-26, you will need to sign up at the meeting.  She will be teaching the following projects in color pencils and mixed media:

Linda will be at the meeting with the sign up sheet.  You all had so much fun at the Pat Lentine seminar and this one looks to be just as nice.  Of course, we will have a pot luck lunch and afterwards, the members will take Nilda to dinner, everyone is invited.

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