Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Liz Miller Seminar
6-7 October 2012
Times:  9 am - 5 pm

We will host a Liz Miller Seminar this weekend beginning at 9 am.  Please note that meetings start at 10 am but seminars are at 9 am.  We want to get as much work done as possible hence, the time change.  Lunch is the usual covered dish.  Bring your regular painting supplies.  We will not have a meeting so it would be nice if every one is in their place at 9 am so you can get a good start.

Pictures of the projects are in a post below.  Don't forget your surface.

I apologize for getting this out so late, I am writing it as quickly as possible.  I have yet to do the newsletter and if I can complete it by Saturday I will drop it off at the seminar.  As stated in the email, I have been busy with family and a wedding so the newsletter was the last thing on my mind. 

A reminder that Margaret is going to teach us a new technique at the November paint in.  And the first Saturday in December we will have our annual Christmas Luncheon so start getting those ornaments together.  While we ask that they be handmade we understand that sometimes that is not possible so if you find a nice one in the store you would like to share, feel free to do so.  We just want everyone to have a good time.

Have fun Saturday, I will be thinking of y'all while I am busy working.

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