Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep

Monday, February 10, 2014

A note from Jacky

     2014 is moving very quickly, everyone is busy with traveling to visit family, or helping family with sickness, work or kids.   One thing we should always remember to say our prayers and thank those around us.
     I want to thank everyone who attended the Ros Stallcup seminar and participated in the dinners with Ros.  I was glad to meet the new people from Enterprise and see what their art group was painting.  I am also happy people are volunteering, we need everyone helping with our art group to be a successful club, without you, we are only partly a club. 

     I also want to welcome 3 new visitors who came to the meeting and painted 1 February, Dee, Ann and Angela.

     Finally, welcome to everyone, ready for a new year, maybe new people, and paint new ways.


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